martes, 29 de julio de 2008

La carne es la culpable de la contaminación de los vegetales: It's the Meat, Stupid

El Dr. Neal Barnard hace de nuevo el punto respecto a la contraversia de la contaminación de alimentos. La carne y el mal manejo de ella y sus residuos es la culpable de la contaminación alimentaria que estamos sufriendo y no los jitomates o nuestros queridos chiles jalapeños.

Fecha: viernes, 25 julio, 2008, 2:30 pm
Dear Ms. Ruenes,
During the current salmonella outbreak, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Food and Drug Administration, an agency within HHS, have focused Americans' attention first on tomatoes and now on jalapeño peppers as a likely source of the infectious bacteria. However, contaminated produce is only the last link in a chain that begins with the meat industry. It is essential for consumers to know that burgeoning meat consumption has caused a massive overproduction of chickens, cows, pigs, and other animals, leading to unprecedented production of feces that end up in rivers, streams, and irrigation water, and contaminate otherwise healthful produce.
Salmonella are intestinal organisms. Needless to say, tomatoes and peppers do not have an intestinal tract. When feces end up in irrigation water, salmonella can contaminate the surfaces of plants and can apparently pass into their rootlets, ending up inside produce. Infectious bacteria from animal feces also contaminate agricultural fields, workers' hands, retail shelves, and kitchen surfaces.
Join PCRM in calling for the Department of Health and Human Services to investigate the source of the contamination the root of the problem lies in the meat industry! We need your help today. Click here to sign our petition and add your name to our list of outraged citizens. Help us provide a wake up call to HHS and demand it starts protecting our food supply.
Best regards,
Neal Barnard, M.D. PCRM President

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